RotaractMUN: Young professionals, university students, youths, Rotaractors, and Rotarians come together to share their voice on global issues.
Empowering Youth to Change World
Rotaract Global Model United Nations (RotaractMUN) is not just a simulation of the UN process but transcends into an actual decision–making process. We provide a platform where young professionals, university students, youths with a passion for change, Rotaractors and Rotarians, the world over, can share their voice on global issues. Every year, we take the decision–making process to a different country and RotaractMUN is organized by a different Rotaract Club. If you are a Rotaract Club interested in this project you can become the next organiser of this prestigious conference in your home town.
Since 2013, we have held successful editions of RotaractMUN in Romania, United Kingdom, Serbia, USA (at the UN HQ), Bulgaria, Lebanon and India. Please see our history page for more information about our previous editions. Only Rotaract Clubs (one or a group) charted by Rotary International may apply to organise this conference. Also read this short description about RotaractMUN or use it to prepare your application.
RotaractMUN is the International Youth Conference of Rotaract Global Model United Nations. It is an educational simulation of the United Nations (UN) where Rotaractors (members of the Rotaract program, which is a youth program affiliated with Rotary International) act as delegates of different countries to discuss and find solutions to global issues.
If you want to attend the RotaractMUN conference as a participant, please visit the webpage of the incoming editions and register there. Also check our youtube channel and follow us on twitter and facebook.
In RotaractMUN, participants research and prepare to represent their assigned countries in a simulation of a UN committee or agency. During the simulation, participants discuss global issues, negotiate with other delegates, and work towards drafting resolutions that address the issues at hand.
RotaractMUN aims to develop participants’ skills in public speaking, negotiation, critical thinking, and leadership, while also raising awareness about global issues and fostering international understanding and cooperation.